Ascension of Our Lord was in 1989 celebrated in Montreal with special solemnity. Patron feast of the church in Montreal was that year marked also with special event - deaconal ordination of the first permanent deacon for the Eparchy. Bishop Michael came from Toronto already on Saturday afternoon, May 6th accompanied by Fr. Miroslav Cajka and during the liturgy conferred minor orders - Tonsuring and Subdeaconate on Mr. Ladislav Sedivy, local parishioner. During the hierarchical liturgy on Sunday was he finally ordained a deacon. Ordination prayers were ministered in English, and liturgy chanted in Church Slavonic. Liturgy was concelebrated by local pastor, Fr. Andrew Sinal, STD and also Fr. Jiří Novotný, SJ. Fr. Deacon Sedivy thus became the first real permanent deacon of the Eparchy, and helped Fr. Sinal not only on Sundays, but also during weekdays liturgies.
After the fall of iron curtain and all those changes in Europe, Fr. Deacon Sedivy went with family back to then Czechoslovakia and finished his seminary education in Presov, where he was ordained a priest. He ministered in both rites in several places of Slovakia and Czech Republic, where he died in 2004.
After the fall of iron curtain and all those changes in Europe, Fr. Deacon Sedivy went with family back to then Czechoslovakia and finished his seminary education in Presov, where he was ordained a priest. He ministered in both rites in several places of Slovakia and Czech Republic, where he died in 2004.
We pray for the abundance of the vocation int priesthood, deaconate and monastic life.
Photo of the church in Montreal thanks to Fr. Vavrak, photo from the ordination was received from Mrs. Suchy. Many thanks!