Magnificent shrine of the Mother of God of Klokocov in Hamilton, ON was the site of the first presbyteral ordination performed by bishop John S. Pazak, CSsR, when he ordained deacon Stephen Williams into presbyterate. Pilgrims, as well as clergy and religious from all around the Eparchy, as well as from United States gathered and prayed during the hierarchical liturgy, where after the Great Entrance, was then deacon Stephen presented to bishop John by Fr. Joseph Mucha, hosting pastor. Fr. Stephen did part of his studies at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA and the seminary was at his ordination represented by Fr. Jack Custer, academic dean. Fr. Stephen received minor orders on June 24, 2005 at the cathedral church in Markham, and was ordained a deacon June 29, 2005 in the Nativity of the Mother of God Church on Shaw Street.

Photos by: Ivetka Vasil, with permission from Fr. S. Williams.