Saturday, November 18, 2006

First liturgy of Fr. Vavrak in Windsor

Father Martin Vavrak is a native of Kosice, Slovakia, who was ordained a priest in 2003 in the Cathedral of Kosice by His Grace, bishop Milan Sasik, CM of Mukacevo. Afterwards, he started his pastoral ministry in the eparchy of Mukacevo, mother of all our eparchies. Besides parish ministry helped also teaching at the seminary.

He was there well liked by the people, but after a three year tenure, he came to help our church in Canada.

After initial stay in Toronto, he was introduced by bishop Pazak to the parish family of Windsor, where he came together with his wife, and two sons.

Faithful together with the pastor, Fr. Igor Zdravecky welcomed our new laborer in the vineyard of Christ and wished him many happy and blessed years!

Photo credits: Fr. Igor Zdravecky.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Clergy meeting in Hamilton

Our parish in Hamiton hosted in the fall of 2006 our biannual clergy meeting. At this meeting were present bishop John Pazak, CSsR, eparchial bishop of the Eparchy of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Fr. Joseph Mucha, chancelor of the same Eparchy and hosting pastor, Fr. John Girhiny (Welland), Fr. Pavol Dolinsky (Toronto), Fr. Stephen Williams (Oshawa), Fr. Ron Comeau, Fr. Igor Zdravecky (Windsor) and newly arrived Fr. Martin Vavrak.

After the common liturgy at the altar of the magnificent church in Hamilton was more formal discussion between the bishop and his priests, and also official welcome to Fr. Vavrak, who joined the Eparchy.

Photo credits: Fr. Igor Zdravecky