Divine Liturgy began with HE Bishop John Pazak, C.Ss.R. blessing the east/west/north/south with the dikirion and the trikirion; then Fr. Andrew began the litanies. Just before the sermon, Fr. Andrew welcomed Bishop John and the visiting clergy as well as all the parishioners and guests from near and far, and asked Bishop John to deliver the homily in English. We had the honour of listening to Fr. Martin Huk as he delivered the homily in Slovak. His sermon was inspiring and he reminded us what love really is by using the examples of children’s definition of love. We later learned that Fr. Martin Huk is in Canada visiting his sister: Mrs. Anka Vavrak.
At the end of the liturgy, we sang “Mnohaja lita” to two of the clergy: on this day, 33 years ago, Fr. Andrew Kormanik, Pastor of Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and Fr. John Girhiny, were ordained to the priesthood by the late Bishop Michael Rusnak, C.Ss.R.
Following anointing (mirovanije) all guests moved to the church hall. Parish ladies prepared a delicious meal for everyone to enjoy. Thus another annual odpust came to an end and we look forward to 2009 and hope for a lot of sunshine so that the procession can actually be around the outside of the church.

By Mary Siroky Snell
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