H.E. Bishop John Pazak, along with Fr. Comeau, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the little church as every other Sunday. There was a slight difference this time: following the liturgy, Bishop John blessed the water to be used throughout the year. In the very first pew, the children eagerly waited and watched as Bishop John started with the prayers, the tropar and the kondak. He then blessed the water with the trikirion, followed by breathing into it, and finally by using his hand: making the sign of the cross with each action. All these were done three times: Bishop John, Fr. Ron and Bishop John once again. Once the water was blessed, Bishop John took a cup of newly blessed water and had a drink. He then asked Fr. Ron to do the same and once he was done, the parishioners were encouraged to do the same one by one. Parishioners brought their own containers and once everyone had a drink, they filled their own containers to take home with them and use whenever needed.

Photos from the celebration:
Text and photos: Mary Siroky - Snell