All mothers who attended the liturgy at 9am were greeted by a vase full of beautiful red and coral roses. Most of the mothers had their roses purchased for them by loving family members and those who were not fortunate enough to have roses given to them, bought their own roses. The church was filled by many regular parishioners as well as family members: sons, daughters and especially grandchildren. It was wonderful to see so many happy faces. Fr. Andrew's homily referred to the Samaritan Woman, whose Sunday we celebrated, as well as a very touching story of Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. Augustine's Christian mother, Monica, never stopped praying for him. He emphasized that no mother ever gives up her dreams to raise her children: she devotes her life to raising her children. He wished all the mothers many years of health and happiness.
Following the liturgy, all were invited to the hall and enjoyed a light lunch of open-faced sandwiches prepared by members of the Women's Auxiliary. A nice Sunday of fellowship was enjoyed by all who were present. To all mothers: "Happy Mothers' Day. May God grant you many blessed years". "Mnohaja i blahaja lit".

For more pictures visit:
http://picasaweb.google.sk/danielprorok/2009_05_10MothersDayAtShawStCathedral#By Mary Siroky - Snell