Saturday, September 19, 2009
Invitation to Oshawa

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Nativity of Mother of God Cathedral Odpust 2009

Following the festivities in the church, the faithful gathered in the church hall for a banquet. Fr. Comeau joined Bishop John and the concelebrating clergy at the head table. The banquet started with the singing of “Our Father” and Bishop John blessing the food. Following the introduction of the head table, the delicious meal was served. Between the main meal and coffee and cake, the senior dancers from Vychodna Dance Group performed three dances: Parchovany, Margecany and Trencin. What a talent! It was a very enjoyable performance. Vychodna Dance Group is celebrating their 25th anniversary and we encouraged all to come and show their support by attending their gala afternoon with guest orchestra Zemplin from Slovakia. Judging from their performance here it will be an excellent show.
More photos available at:
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pilgrims from our eparchy in Uniontown
Nice symbol of the unity of the Church was to see all ruling hierarchs of the Pittsburgh Metropolia gathered there including its head, metropolitan Basil Schott, accompanied by bishop John Kudrick of the Eparchy of Parma, bishop William C. Skurla from the Eparchy of Passaic, and bishop Gerald Dino representing the Eparchy of Van Nuys. Each year one hcan also attend the Church Slavonic liturgy being celebrated, and this Fr. Deacon Jaroslav Lajciak from the Eparchy of Kosice participated. This is the heritage of faith brought to the USA and Canada by our ancestors. O Lord, preserve the heritage of our faith!