Sunday, 9th of September 1984 was the day of joyous celebration of the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, commemorated as traditional odpust among the parishioners of the church on Shaw Street. Hierarchical liturgy was presided by bishop Michael Rusnak, CSsR and concelebrated by pastor of the parish, Fr. Peter Jelenic and Fr. Vincent Danco, SJ. Beauty of the liturgy was underlined also by the presence and singing of Father Deacon George Bubanko, native of Port Colborne, and vocation from the Holy Ghost parish in Welland, ON. Weather was also nice, and thus were all able to participate in the procession around the church after the liturgy. After the end of the celebration were all heading home in expectation of the visit to the Eparchy by the Holy Father John Paul II, which happened one week later.

Photos: Gift from Mrs. Magda Suchy