Saturday, December 5, 2009
St. Nicholas Dinner in Windsor
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Christmas Bake Sale and Bazaar at the Cathedral on Shaw Street in Toronto
The Women’s Guild members started preparing a few weeks before the event. Although small in numbers, those ladies can sure move in that kitchen. They started with “holubky”. Thanks to one member in particular, they had a number of orders from her neighbor and co-workers. The ladies came in Friday and Saturday and made over 1200 holubky. However, that was not quite enough, so they had to dedicate another Friday and Saturday to make 1200 more. The following Friday and Saturday, they gathered to make pirohy: with potato and cheese and also with sauerkraut.
Some of the ladies of the parish are very talented when it comes to crafts and they donated slippers and other items that they crocheted themselves. And many other ladies who were not able to help with cooking and crafts, donated items that were raffled off in a draw. Many of the parish ladies also donated tasty baking that was offered for sale: rozky, cakes, bobalky, knedle, even the ones with lekvar in the middle (just like mom used to make!).
When the day finally came, the church was filled with many people. Following the liturgy, all gathered in the hall and purchased most of the prepared foods. Then they enjoyed a tasty goulash with dumplings, salad, bread and coffee and desert, prepared by the Ladies Guild members. Even the children were able to enjoy this day while their parents shopped: a table was set up for them to do some “Christmas crafts”. They were able to colour pictures of snowmen, Christmas trees, gingerbread boys and girls. They were also able to make Christmas wreaths, Christmas angels and candy canes using beads and pipe cleaners. All in all, everyone enjoyed the Bake Sale and Bazaar, especially us working mothers. Now we can concentrate on other things because some of the food preparations for Christmas have been done for us. I must add that in some cases, I definitely would not be able to make it better than the ladies at the Cathedral. Thank you all the ladies for your hard work. Thanks to you for making it, and thanks to all of us for buying the food. This Bake Sale and Bazaar was another very successful and profitable function; and it brought all of us together.
Text and photos: Mary Siroky - Snell
More photos available at:
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Odpust in Windsor
More photos available at:
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Invitation to Oshawa

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Nativity of Mother of God Cathedral Odpust 2009

Following the festivities in the church, the faithful gathered in the church hall for a banquet. Fr. Comeau joined Bishop John and the concelebrating clergy at the head table. The banquet started with the singing of “Our Father” and Bishop John blessing the food. Following the introduction of the head table, the delicious meal was served. Between the main meal and coffee and cake, the senior dancers from Vychodna Dance Group performed three dances: Parchovany, Margecany and Trencin. What a talent! It was a very enjoyable performance. Vychodna Dance Group is celebrating their 25th anniversary and we encouraged all to come and show their support by attending their gala afternoon with guest orchestra Zemplin from Slovakia. Judging from their performance here it will be an excellent show.
More photos available at:
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pilgrims from our eparchy in Uniontown
Nice symbol of the unity of the Church was to see all ruling hierarchs of the Pittsburgh Metropolia gathered there including its head, metropolitan Basil Schott, accompanied by bishop John Kudrick of the Eparchy of Parma, bishop William C. Skurla from the Eparchy of Passaic, and bishop Gerald Dino representing the Eparchy of Van Nuys. Each year one hcan also attend the Church Slavonic liturgy being celebrated, and this Fr. Deacon Jaroslav Lajciak from the Eparchy of Kosice participated. This is the heritage of faith brought to the USA and Canada by our ancestors. O Lord, preserve the heritage of our faith!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wedding in Windsor

Photo credits: Soucie and Timko families and friends
More photos available at:
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Uspenije - Odpust in Hamilton
The sermons were in English, delivered by H.E. Bishop John and in Slovak, delivered by Fr. Eugen Rybarsky. It is customary for this special day to bless flowers in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Bishop John blessed them and as people came up for mirovanije, all the ladies received one.
After liturgy, all those who had tickets for the banquet went to the parish hall to continue the celebration. Along with celebrating the odpust, there were congratulations and presentations to Bishop John on his birthday, to Fr. Viktor on his birthday and a special congratulation to Fr. Mucha who recently celebrated his 20th anniversary of priesthood. Good wishes and a congratulatory letter from Sr. Stefania Jurcenko, SSMI and Archbishop Jan Babjak, SJ from the Archeparchy of Presov, Slovakia, were also read. To top it all off, there was a special cake presented to all three: Bishop John, Fr. Mucha and Fr. Crissan.
The cultural program included performances by the extremely talented dancers from Vychodna Dance Group (Toronto) and some readings by parish children, explaining the significance of the Feast Day.
Following the delicious meal, coffee, cakes and the program, there was a raffle. Lots and lots of happy people won some very interesting prizes. Bishop John and Fr. Mucha were also among the lucky winners. Thank you, Bishop John, for sharing your prize (a box of Fereero Rocher chocolates) with us. Everyone loves Ferrero Rocher!
Among the guests at the odpust were Mrs. Anka Vavrak, wife of Fr. Martin Vavrak, and their son Matko.
By Mary Siroky - Snell
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Funeral of Fr. John Fetsco, CSsR

At the altar were two bishops, bishop John from Toronto, and ruling eparch of the Eparchy of Passaic, to which Kingston parish belongs, bishop William C. Skurla. Among the priests present was Fr. Comeau from Canada, Fr. Micael Kuchera, SJ, professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, Italy, Fr. James Hayer, editor of the eparchial magazine of the Eparchy of Passaic, called Eastern Christian Life, Mons. John Sekkelick, Fr. Joseph Berta, and many others. Relatives of late Fr. John wer also present, as well as faithful, some even from our Eparchy in Canada.
After the church ceremonies, body of Fr. John was taken to Dallas, Pa, where it was buried in the family grave of Fetsco family, where it will wait peacefully for the second coming of Christ.
May his memory be eternal. Vicnaja jemu pamjat! Vecna mu pamiatka!

More photos available at:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Funeral liturgy for Fr. Fetsco, CSsR in Toronto
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Friday, June 26, 2009
Parastas for Fr. John Fetsco, CSsR

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fr. John Fetsco, CSsR passed away
Fell asleep in the Lord, June 23, 2009 in Unionville in his 80th year. Fr. John, member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorist Congregation), was born December 20, 1929 in Pringle, PA, USA. After completing his elementary and secondary education in his hometown, Fr. John made his profession as a Redemptorist August 19, 1950 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Fr. John was ordained to the priesthood May 13, 1956 and began his service in the Lord’s vineyard at the Nativity of the Mother of God (St. Mary’s) Byzantine Slovak Church in Toronto. During his priestly life, Fr. John served several Slovak and Ruthenian parishes in USA and Canada. In 1987, Fr. John was appointed the first rector of the Byzantine Slovak Cathedral of the Transfiguration and served there until he retired in 2005. During this time, Fr. John’s responsibilities also included those of being the Apostolic Administrator for the Slovak Eparchy of Saints Cyril and Methodius (1996-2000). Fr. John was a devoted priest and religious who was especially generous and supportive of the then persecuted Byzantine Slovak Church in Slovakia. Fr. John enjoyed the time he spent as a chaplain to the Slovak Sokol and being a member of their bowling team. Many lasting friendships were formed during that time. Fr. John’s enduring enjoyment was his Monday game of golf.
Fr. John was predeceased by his parents Wasyl & Helen, his sister Katerina and his brothers Wasyl, Jr., Demetrius and Harry. Fr. John is survived by his sisters: Margaret, Anna, Mary, Helen, Julia and their families. Fr. John will be missed by his many relatives in USA and Slovakia. Fr. John will be fondly remembered and sadly missed by his Redemptorist confreres, fellow clergymen and his beloved parishioners, who throughout his lifetime became dear friends.
Visitation will take place Friday, June 26, 2009 from 4pm until 9pm with Priestly Parastas at 7pm at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 257 Shaw St, Toronto. Funeral Divine Liturgy will be celebrated Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 10am at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 257 Shaw St, Toronto.
Fr. John’s family requested that interment take place at a later date in Dallas, PA, USA.
Vicnaja jemu pamjať! Eternal Memory! Večná mu pamiatka!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mothers' Day at Shaw St Cathedral

All mothers who attended the liturgy at 9am were greeted by a vase full of beautiful red and coral roses. Most of the mothers had their roses purchased for them by loving family members and those who were not fortunate enough to have roses given to them, bought their own roses. The church was filled by many regular parishioners as well as family members: sons, daughters and especially grandchildren. It was wonderful to see so many happy faces. Fr. Andrew's homily referred to the Samaritan Woman, whose Sunday we celebrated, as well as a very touching story of Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. Augustine's Christian mother, Monica, never stopped praying for him. He emphasized that no mother ever gives up her dreams to raise her children: she devotes her life to raising her children. He wished all the mothers many years of health and happiness.
Following the liturgy, all were invited to the hall and enjoyed a light lunch of open-faced sandwiches prepared by members of the Women's Auxiliary. A nice Sunday of fellowship was enjoyed by all who were present. To all mothers: "Happy Mothers' Day. May God grant you many blessed years". "Mnohaja i blahaja lit".

By Mary Siroky - Snell
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pascha at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God

In his homily, Bishop John spoke to us of this most joyous time of our liturgical year and reminded us to continue to live our lives with the Risen Lord as our guide.
The time finally came when everyone brought their baskets to the steps in front of the altar to have our food blessed. Baskets were uncovered, candles lit and Bishop John began the blessing of the food. When he was all done, Bishop John wished everyone a Blessed Easter on behalf of himself, and on behalf of the pastor, Fr. Andrew, and also Fr. John and Fr. Ron. Following the blessing, everyone hurried home to share the Easter meal with families and friends.
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese!
By Mary Siroky - Snell
More photos available at:
Pascha in Windsor
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday in Windsor
Photos by: Fr. Martin and Pani Anka Vavrak
More photos available at:
Paschal celebrations around the Eparchy

Oshawa, ON - Protection of the Mother of God,
464 Ritson Road S., Oshawa, ON L1H 5J9
Saturday 4 PM Divine liturgy of St. Basil the Great with Vespers and Olivia Paty's Chrismation
Sunday 7 AM Resurrection Matins with Divine Liturgy followed by Pascha Basket Feast in the parish hall.
Windsor, ON - Saint Michael,
2120 Byng Road, Windsor, ON N8W 3E2
Saturday 4 PM Divine liturgy of St. Basil the Great with Vespers
Sunday 9 AM Paschal matins followed by the Divine liturgy of St. John the Chrysostom and blessing of Paschal baskets
Monday 10 AM Divine liturgy
Tuesday 10 AM Divine liturgy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bake sale at the Nativity of the Mother of God (St. Mary’s) in Toronto
The day started with a liturgy celebrated by Fr. Andrew Kormanik, the pastor. The first half of the liturgy was in English and the second half in Slovak. For some of the guests it may have seemed that the liturgy was a bit too long; in fact, the liturgy was longer than normal due to the special prayers that are recited during lent. The most interesting part of the liturgy is always Fr. Andrew’s homily. He speaks from the heart, always refers to the Gospel and makes a connection to real life. This way, everyone understands what the Gospel reading was all about and it stays with us all week.
Following the liturgy, all were invited downstairs to the hall for lunch and to buy the goodies. A few weeks before the sale, the Women’s Auxiliary ladies gathered in the hall and made pirohy: some were made with potato and cheese, others with sauerkraut. They also met Friday and Saturday immediately before the sale to make dozens and dozens of cabbage rolls. Then one by one, Sunday morning, the ladies brought their special cakes: cheese cakes, honey cakes, rozky, babovky, fruit cakes, and even some paschas for Easter. There were also some knedle for sale as well as cheese balls. It was not long before parishioners and guests returned to their tables and it was time for lunch. Fr. Andrew led us in “Our Father” and asked the Lord to bless the food and the hands that prepared it. The ladies in the kitchen outdid themselves again: they prepared an absolutely delicious gulash and served it with potatoes, vegetables, a side order of salad and a slice of bread. That was followed by a serving of carrot cake and coffee. And just to raise a little more for the Women's Auxiliary, everyone had a chance to buy a ticket or two for a 50/50 draw!
Even though the day started off with some rain, by the time everything finished, the sun did shine and everyone was able to carry out their purchases without worrying about getting wet. It was a very successful bake sale and the nice thing about all this was everyone’s cooperation. It warms the heart when you see the young and the not so young working together towards a common goal: the good of our church and making sure that it continues to flourish. Thank you to all the ladies who prepared, baked and cleaned. A special thank you to all parishioners and guests who bought baked goods, luncheon tickets and draw tickets. You all contributed to a worthy cause. May God bless you and keep you. Wishing you all a Blessed Easter!
Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Text and photos by: Mary Siroky-Snell
Sunday, March 15, 2009
“Krestupoklonna Nedila” - Sunday of the veneration of the Holy Cross at the Cathedral Mission Church
The beautiful red vestments that Bishop, Fr. Ron & Fr. Peter wore added to the solemn atmosphere at the church. Before starting his homily, Bishop John introduced our special guest, Fr. Peter Pidskalny, C.Ss.R.. Fr. Peter is a fellow redemptorist. He is also a former classmate of Bishop John. Fr. Peter is the pastor of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. He is no stranger to our community: as a seminarian, he spent his summers at the Nativity of the Mother of God on Shaw St in Toronto. He was with us at Bishop John’s ordination and he always makes an effort to visit with us whenever he is in our area and his busy schedules permits him to do so. Bishop John then had a very inspiring homily. At the conclusion of the liturgy, we once again sang “We bow to Your Cross..” and after prostrations, everyone came forward for individual adoration of the cross and to say a silent prayer.