Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blessing of the Msgr. Sinal Memorial Hall

On the Eve of the Annunciation, we were very happy to celebrate the blessing of our freshly renovated Msgr. Sinal Memorial Hall. It has been a long journey, but thanks to the generosity of Bishop John Pazak, we were not only able to keep the church open and the parishoperational, but we have a beautiful new hall as well.

The afternoon began with Bishop John Pazak serving the Divine Liturgy along with Deacon Peter Filipowich, Fr. Andrew Kormanik, Fr. Ron Comeau, and Fr. Stephen Williams. We were also privileged to have the assistance of the Knights of Columbus Sheptytsky Assembly 1730: Faithful Navigator Sir Knight Walter Martyniw and Sir Knight David Boyko.

The liturgy was followed by the blessing of the hall and a fantastic reception organized by Lucia Williams. The meats, cheeses, crackers, breads, watermelon fruit-baskets filled with fruit salad,
and scrumptious baking provided by Lucia was a true feast fitting for the occasion. We are also grateful to Mary Kampu, Gertrude Dano, Margaret Dvorsky, and Angela Pavlisko who also generously contributed their baking talents and Keith and Melanie Harshorn-Walton who brought the veggie platter.

Finally, we are grateful to all our friends from the Slovak eparchy and all our visitors who sang heartily, ate healthily and contributed generously. We are blessed to have such a church family.

Fr. Stephen Williams

Photos by Stephen and Lucia Williams

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Invitation to Oshawa

At long last, it gives us great joy to announce that the renovation of our parish hall is now complete. This moment would not have arrived without the generosity of our bishop, Most Reverend John Pazak, CSsR, and the skill of our Contractor, Mr. Jonathan Slavin of Extreme Contracting.

To mark this moment in the life of our parish, Bishop John will be blessing the Msgr. Sinal Memorial Hall on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation, Saturday March 24th. The Divine Liturgy will be served at 4pm at our parish (464 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa), followed by the blessing of the hall, and a reception.

We would be greatly honoured, and most heartily invite, as many of you as are able to attend this event. Please come and share our hospitality, and pray with us that this moment would mark the beginning of new life for our parish, and that our Lord would bless our prayers, our hopes and our efforts on His behalf.

We are looking forward to seeing your there.

In Jesus Christ the Lord

Fr. Stephen Williams

Photos: Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Lucia Williams.